
HOW TO LEVERAGE HIGHER DIGNITY OF YOURS( sebuah paper ilmiah dengan sedikit isi)

Exalt themselves in the middle of a problem as it may sound impossible, but the real problem is a shortcut for us to achieve the goal, ennoble ourselves means being able to face the problem, able to deal with the problem means making ourselves become more respectable. although basically every problem is difficult, I have proved it, even though you often scorned, mtk got ugly if you've tried very hard, certainly later, a miracle will come to you who constantly focused process, and most importantly , you believe that you were born to be great
We start with what it is self-esteem, according to Professor Muhammad AS Hikam, self-esteem is a human effort in fighting for their rights and obligations, while socially interacting in social life. At the core of self-esteem is a power struggle, an item that can not be assessed with the material.
Self-esteem is not inborn factor but a factor studied and formed throughout the life experiences of individuals in relation to themselves and to other individuals. This relates to the idea that dikutib Azwar Rogers (1979) who emphasized that the development of self-esteem emphasize the importance of the social environment. Herbert (in Anwar, 1979) argued that the concept of self-contained self-esteem develops from childhood through the people who are considered by that person. Self-esteem in a person also does not appear out of nowhere but through the process and development. Initial symptoms appear self-esteem at age 2 years. but the formation more clearly and can be observed at the age of 4 years (Piaget, in Edwina, 1994).
Here are tips and tricks to grow and improve self-esteem
1. Learn to always respect yourself. though sometimes others perceive your self confidence is low but charge you that you are entitled to your life and your most understand  yourself.
2. Learn to like yourself. Liking yourself means accepting yourself for what it is. and learn to develop its potential. See the positive side of yourself, adn the most important thing        ito        be        thankful for     everything we            have.
3. Have a positive self image. it is related to self-acceptance. self image is how you think of yourself. convince yourself that you deserve to succeed, you deserve to be loved and appreciated, you are a special personal. Remember that your self image mmpengaruhi      your     behavior.
4. Do what you think is important. even if you feel you are not able to because of your shame and fear, force yourself to go through the process. apparently self-assured that you are able to do so. to keep in mind is that the more we are forced to through a process which is not bad, the more you expand your comfort territorial area.
5. Learning to live independently, regardless of the other person, so you are not vulnerable            to         rejection.
6. Do not associating yourself with failure or mistakes you make. cultivate in yourself not to         give in to the            circumstances.
7. Have a true concept of self-esteem, that self-esteem comes from within and not from outside ourselves. lies not in the material we get, we get the success because success is only growing material and false self-esteem and can not last forever.
8. Respect yourself, do not reject a simple compliment people are saying about us. accept it and think to advance. be careful when you dibeak words like "I'm stupid", "I did not get", "ne it's just a dream, maybe not so real". toxic kata2 this will damage your self-esteem that you get up slowly.
several factors that may contribute to the development of self esteem, namely:
1. Quality award recipients as well as the attention one receives from significant others in their lives. In this process one learns judge as he was assessed and then be applied to develop            themselves.
2. History of success and achieved status and position of a person in his life. This will form the foundation of self-esteem in social reality. Historical experiences are terrifying and considered a tempest to determine a person's self-esteem development process (Bommer, inRetnowati, 1993).
3. Issues related to the aspirations and values ​​obtained through one's interpretation of the success of the experience modification. Success, power and attention is not directly and immediately received and perceived, but filtered through a person's values ​​and goals (Retnowati, 1993).

But in addition to using the above tips and tricks you should avoid:
1.         Rejection        from    others.
2.         Lack    of         appreciation.
3. Parenting is wrong: too forbidden, too controlled, too obeyed, too charged and inconsistent.
4.         Sibling rivalry.
5.         Mistakes          and      failures                        are       repeated.
6.         Not being able to achieve the prescribed standards.

Whatever happens you should never give up on you still believe there is a strong hand that held you
As of now I really do not know what true self-esteem, because what I feel right now is not enough to make it, but I believe that the future of self-esteem On the facts, then keep the dignity of oneself is not easy. Enterprises that require intelligence conscience. Conscience must be sharpened in various ways, including through the always remembering God at all times, clear the mind, heart and assets owned, run by committed and rituals and such. Such activities should be trained and socialized as activities to sharpen the intellect. 

But apparently, the actual aspect is particularly important to maintain the dignity of seseoprang is often overlooked and even ignored. Consequently, all that has been achieved with difficulty, such as education, wealth, rank, position, and others are collapsing because of torpor conscience is concerned. That is, they are not able to maintain the dignity of self-esteem that. Therefore, the intellect must always be accompanied by intelligence conscience
So according to the law of attraction, if you are sending a signal and it still emits a signal, your wish will be granted, and do not say "no" to some things, but say "could" because it can affect you, I never had that experience, when I saw my old school HP, every time I see my friends bring new HP, I was going to have one day, so I try and keep it sought, so that one day I was able to arrange for the purchase of new HP, although it takes a bit longer, is because it is the thing that I want is not the stuff that I need, also the law of attraction states that whatever be your wish, start to dream without any capital, because your dream is in line with your business, live the dream as a dreamer, so whatever you want, send signals to Allah Almighty
So the conclusion that we can be, self-esteem is a power struggle, raising self-esteem is actually a struggle to face the problem, because only by fighting what we need will be met, we must have faith that what we believe, will be realized in the future, this the law of attraction, we just send a signal to Allah it will be fulfilled and it was bound to happen, so do not hesitate to ask, ask a lot and stay focused process and endeavor

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